Mercure Sydney
26 & 27 August 2011
2 Day Mumpreneurs Conference
A Weekend of Business Workshops, Networking, Guest Speakers, Friendship & Fun!
Specifically designed to help Mums in business reach their full potential. The Mumpreneurs Conference includes 2 days of workshops with leading business experts in the areas of Marketing, Branding, Business Planning, Finance, Search Engine Optimisation, Setting Goals, Work life Balance and much more to get you the skills you need to move your business to the next level in 2011.
The Mumpreneurs Conference also includes inspirational Mumpreneurs sharing their success stories, the Mumpreneurs Showcase Mini Expo an exclusive Friday night speed networking function and the glamourous AusMumpreneur Awards recognising Australia’s leading Mumpreneurs.
If you do anything for your business this year you must attend this fantastic event!
2011 Conference Program
Friday 26 August 2011
8.30am Registration
9.00am Welcome Connect2mums editors Peace Mitchell & Katy Garner
9.15am “Get Wired for Business Success” - Susan Pearse Mind Gardener
This session will provide you with an insight into the mindsets that will help you create a business that achieves success and significance and stands the test of time. It will also explore the common traps that mumpreneurs fall into that limit their business and personal potential. You will leave this session with an understanding of how to build a great business brain!
10.30am Morning Tea
11.00am “Pricing For Profitability” - Julia Bickerstaff - Business Bakery
Julia Bickerstaff’s expertise is the art and science of designing profitable small businesses. She is the founder of The Business Bakery and Butterfly Coaching, the author of How to Bake a Business, the finance expert on Channel 7’s Kochies Business Builders and the writer of Smartcompany’s profitable growth column. Julia will teach us pricing for profit.
12.15pm LUNCH
1.15pm AMN Experts Breakout Sessions - Choose the Conference thats right for you!
Room 1
“5 keys to building a successful business” Simone Outteridge Outteredge Coaching
Simone will teach you how to get more time, make more money & have the business you dreamed of.
2.30PM “How to use your brand message to attract customers, market your biz, and sell your products” Karen Gunton Bulid A Little Biz
In this workshop Karen, the author of the workbook ‘build a brand’, will show you how to create a strong brand message and ensure that message is consistent across all aspects of your biz: your ‘right’ customers, marketing strategies, sales methods, products & prices.
Room 2
“The world is your coffice” - Alycia Edgar Bookzkeeper
Implement systems in your business to operate from anywhere!
2.30PM “The Missing Pieces of the Mumpreneur Puzzle” Helen Butler
This Workshop looks at the three missing pieces of the Mumpreneur puzzle and how using organising skills can make the puzzle whole, create balance and bring clarity, giving you the successful business and happy family you deserve. If you want to know how to move from chaos to clarity this is the Workshop for you!
3.45pm Afternoon Tea
Room 1
“Be Your Own PR Agent”. - Johanna Baker-Dowdell Strawberry Communications
“Nobody knows your business or is more passionate about it than you. This enthusiasm can be harnessed to create publicity for your business. This session shows you how to create a strategy and gives suggestions on how you can generate your own PR.”
Room 2
“How NOT to get your social marketing effort horribly wrong” Nick Bowditch The Bowditch Group
With great honesty, candidness and humour, Nick will show you the pitfalls, mistakes and plain old ‘stuff ups’ that small and medium sized business owners have made in the social space, and how you can learn from those mistakes to become a social marketing success story.
5.30pm Finish
Friday Night 7.30pm
C2m Networking Drinks and Mumpreneurs Mini expo
Saturday 27 August 2011
9.00am Welcome
9.15am AMN Experts Breakout Sessions - Choose the Conference thats right for you!
Room 1
Manufacturing Monique Filer B.Box
Monique will share the experiences and lessons learned in creating the award winning b.box range, including sourcing a factory, negotiating terms, pitfalls and tips, project management, understanding “manufacturing speak”, protecting your IP and international testing
Room 2
“Secrets to Standing out - Building Your Platform” Peace Michell Connect2mums
Peace will share tips, advice and strategies in this interactive session on how to make you and your business stand out from the crowd by creating a successful personal platform.
10.30am Morning Tea
11.00am Paula Kuhnemann’e-Commerce Harmony’, finding the elusive balance between family and work.
4 strategies to create harmony within...your self, your family, your career, your business.
Having worked with dynamic, driven and successful WAHM’s for over 15 years, Paula Kuhnemann of ‘Smart Woman’ has found that they each have a common No. 1 concern. Not ‘how can I make more money, but how can I spend more quality time with my loved ones AND build/run a successful business?’
Draw on the experience of Paula Kuhnemann, who has worked as a WAHM party planner, from behind a corporate desk and now works from behind her laptop as a small business mentor with ‘Smart Woman’, to discover the 4 main strategies she has successfully used and taught that will start you on the fulfillingjourney of harmony within.....your self, your family, your career, your business.
12.15pm Lunch
1.00pm "How To Get The Media To Notice You" - Rebecca Derrington SourceBottle
SourceBottle founder Rebecca Derrington has a simple vision: for every journalist using the service to be INUNDATED with quality sources; and for every SourceBottle subscriber to get FAMOUS using it! Rebecca will show you how to uncover and hook media opportunities, as well as share her tips for getting your business front and centre!
2.15pm “Getting Social in Small Business” Lara Solomon
This hands on workshop run by Lara Solomon aka Chief Rabbit at Social Rabbit will get your business rocking with social media.
- social media strategy – which one should you choose and why with tips and hints on what to use. If you are already using social media you can use this to find out how to improve what you have in place.
- content – the importance of having quality content, how to have good content and resources to use to help with this.
- Time saving tips for social media
- Any questions – bring them along!
3.30 pm Afternoon Tea
4.00pm Mumpreneur Panel - Bring your questions and get advice from our panel of “Women Who Have Made It!”
5.00pm Finish
Saturday 7.30pm
2011 Bio-Oil AusMumpreneur Awards Gala Dinner
Who will be this year’s AusMumpreneur? The Bio-Oil AusMumpreneur Awards recognise the best and brightest in the Mumpreneur industry, and celebrates business mums achieving success in business, product development, innovation and amazing service in business. Ticket Includes 2 Course Meal, Pre Dinner Canapés and 3 hour Drinks Package
Download full program here
CONFERENCE FULL PACKAGE: Mumpreneurs Conference & AusMumpreneur Awards
You receive: - Friday night networking event and Mini Expo
-2 day Mumpreneurs National Conference
workshops, guest speakers, business building ideas, networking, motivation, inspiration, prize giveaways
-morning tea (Friday & Saturday)
-lunch (Friday & Saturday)
-afternoon tea (Friday & Saturday)
- AusMumpreneur Awards 2011 Dinner Ticket
2 Course Meal, Canapés and 3 hour Drinks Package
PACKAGE PRICE pp $495.00 (inc gst)
FRIDAY PACKAGE Friday Night Networking, Friday Conference Session & Mumpreneurs Mini Expo
Friday Package Includes You receive:
- Friday night networking event and Mini Mumpreneurs Expo
- Friday Mumpreneurs National Conference
workshops, guest speakers, business building ideas, networking, motivation, inspiration, prize giveaways
-morning tea (Friday)
-lunch (Friday)
-afternoon tea (Friday)
FRIDAY PACKAGE PRICE $198.00 (inc gst)
SATURDAY PACKAGE: Saturday Conference & AusMumpreneur Awards Package
Saturday Conference & Awards Dinner Package
You receive:
- Saturday Mumpreneurs National Conference Ticket
workshops, guest speakers, business building ideas, networking, motivation, inspiration, prize giveaways
-morning tea (Saturday)
-lunch (Saturday)
-afternoon tea (Saturday)
- AusMumpreneur Awards 2011 Dinner Ticket
2 Course Meal, Canapés and 3 hour Drinks Package
SATURDAY PACKAGE PRICE pp $295.00 (inc gst)
the AusMumpreneur awards recognise the best and brightest in the Mumpreneur industry, Professional and Innovative Business Mums achieving success in business, product development, innovation and amazing service in both online and bricks and mortar businesses.
Ticket Includes 2 Course Meal, Pre Dinner Canapés and 3 hour Drinks Package
AWARDS DINNER PRICE pp $120.00 (inc gst)
Business Displays, Bubbles, Canapés and Networking.
Friday Night PRICE pp $55.00 (inc gst)
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