'The 7 secrets to standing out: The mumpreneur's guide to marketing your brand'
"Mumpreneurs are entrepreneurs with a difference! They are women who aspire to have the best of both family time and their career ambitions in a way that works for them. These innovative businesses are creating new employment opportunities, boosting the economy, and allowing women to find new ways to put their professional prowess into action. In this book, seven successful mumpreneurs share the secrets of their success and how you too can create an amazing business that stands out from the crowd!"
You’ll meet:
- Peace Mitchell and Katy Garner the women behind the glamourous AusMumpreneur Awards and connect2mums online community,
- Antonette Golikidis whose strong branding has helped position her products as an Australian household name,
- Catherine Oehlman an Australian top 100 female blogger who has a strong readership of mums from around the world by creating a unique and personal experience for her
readers, - Vicki Frittmann whose Search Engine Optimisation has seen her business as the number one page ranking site globally for her niche,
- Johanna Baker-Dowdell a PR specialist whose clients are regularly featured in national media and
- Susan Pearse whose successful company Mind Gardener has helped people all over the world to thrive by harnessing the power of mindfulness and thinking differently.

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