This year’s presenters are world class and will leave you feeling motivated, uplifted and inspired to achieve your business goals. Specifically designed to help Mums in business reach their full potential. Our Key note speakers include amazing entrepreneurs: Julia Bickerstaff of channel 7’s Kochies Business Builders and Author of the Business Bakery, Lara Solomon creator of Mocks and Social Rabbit and Author of Brand New Day and Rebbeca Derrington pr expert and founder of online resource Sourcebottle. Each will share with us there success story as well as tips on how you can achieve success in your business.

Our Business Experts from throughout Australia, Susan Pearse Creator of Mind Gardener, Nick Bowditch Director of the Bowditch Group, Karen Gunton of Build a little biz, Helen Butler of Clutter Rescue, Johanna Baker-Dowdell of Strawberry Communications, Alycia Edgar creator of Bookzkeeper, Simone Outteridge of Outer Edge Coaching, Monique Filer creator of the B.Box, Paula Kuhnemann Director of Smart Woman and Peace Mitchell Co Editor of online community Connect2mums will hold 90 minute intense workshops teaching key skills for your business in the areas of Marketing, Branding, Business Planning, Finance, Setting Goals, Work life Balance, PR, Social Media, Building your Platform, Manufacturing, Mind Set, Price Points and Organisation. Check out the full program

3. Friendship
Meet other Mums in business who are experiencing the same challenges and triumphs as you! No one quite understands the complexity of being a Mumpreneur the way other Mumpreneurs do!!
4. Networking
Spend the weekend with like-minded business women, meet in real life the fantastic mums you have spoken to at live chat, through the forum, in the groups and by email, make real connections and lasting friendships! Our exclusive networking event lets you chat one on one with Mumpreneurs from all over Australia!

5. Get dressed up!
Remember when you used to go out every Friday night? And how much fun it was just getting ready to go? Well the AusMumpreneur awards dinner is your opportunity to dig out your little black dress, find your fave pair of dancing shoes and get dressed up to go out in style!
6. Showcase your wares
The Mumpreneurs Conference Mini Expo business Showcase gives you the opportunity to show us what’s great about your business and what you do, giving you the opportunity to display your products or talk about your services in a warm and friendly environment.
7. AusMumpreneur Awards
Celebrate with us with a glass of bubbly Pink champagne at the glamourous AusMumpreneur Awards Dinner! The Awards are the must attend event of the Mumpreneur Calendar and as a conference attendee you are guaranteed a seat at this exciting and prestigious event celebrating Mumpreneurs!
8. Invest in YOU!
The weekend provides you with the opportunity to work ‘on’ not just ‘in’ your business, with time for reflecting on and setting goals for your future direction and helping you put together the pieces which will help you see your big picture for your business and YOU!

9. Fun
The Mumpreneurs Conference is lots of fun, there’ll be laughing, dancing and sharing of ideas, experiences and successes! It’s a great opportunity for you to forget your cares, kick up your heels and get your mojo back!
10. Open the door to new opportunities
Imagine what amazing opportunities you will be presented with by spending the weekend with a group of people who are excited about the possibilities for the Mumpreneur Industry and supporting talented Mums in business!
So what are you waiting for? Book your spot for the 2011 Mumpreneurs Conference today!
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